Upcoming Events
- See other meetings, such as district meetings at www.tndistrict20.com
Stated Meeting Presentations
- For any Master Masons, if you haven’t already, please register with GrandView https://tn.grandview.systems/users/sign_in
- For those interested, there are McKinney polo shirts available here:
C H McKinney Lodge 433 Masonic Shirt (macoy.com) - Also for Master Masons, there are resources available at http://www.grandlodge-tn.org/main/GLTN-page.asp?p=70
If you need the Access Code please see one of the Lodge Officers or Bro. Phibbs
It would be great if everyone could take the Masonic Code Course on that page (see instructions on the page). It helps you to learn about the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge, is a credit to the Lodge, and you’ll get a certificate of completion as well.